NLG Detroit & Michigan resolution supporting the abolition of carceral systems

September 29, 2024

Whereas the National Lawyers Guild has adopted resolutions supporting the abolition of policing and prisons, found here: , and ,

Whereas the Detroit & Michigan NLG chapter has been in years long struggle against policing & the violence of the prison industrial complex,

Therefore be it resolved that the Detroit & Michigan Chapter of the National Lawyers Guild likewise calls for the dismantling and abolition of all forms of policing and prisons, and of all aspects of systems and institutions that support, condone, create, fill, or protect prisons. The NLG commits itself to supporting grassroots organizing efforts, policy initiatives, and litigation that promotes or moves toward abolition, including: the rights and organizing of prisoners, the defunding and closure of prisons and redirection of prison and policing budgets into social and human services as well as reentry support; legalization of drug use and sex work; release of prisoners serving life without parole and other inhumane sentences, decreased use of solitary confinement, and efforts to prevent construction of new prisons.