NLG Membership
Attorneys, Law Students, Legal Workers, and Activists whose work is aligned with our mission qualify to be members. Membership dues are sliding scale based on income (honor based) and are renewed annually.

Without community there is no liberation. Audre Lorde
Why Become a Member of the National Lawyers Guild?
As a member of the National Lawyers Guild, you stand with thousands of attorneys, jailhouse lawyers, legal workers, and community members who have dedicated their lives and work to the proposition that human rights are more important than property rights.
Members are the Guild’s lifeblood and determine the Guild’s future. Without the support and countless volunteer hours we receive from members, we would not exist. Please join our ranks and help us create a more just world. Please join or renew today. It is an honor to work by your side for justice.
Who Can Join?
Attorneys, Law Students, Legal Workers, and Activists whose work is aligned with our mission qualify to be members.
As of October 2024, our bylaws state, “Members who work as judges, magistrates, referees, or arbitrators where a conflict of interest develops between their work and the work of the NLG must take all steps necessary to notify the Chapter and to remove, recuse, or otherwise firewall themselves from the Chapter’s related work.
Membership is not permitted for individuals who are currently employed or contracted in any capacity by any law enforcement agency, prosecutorial agency, correctional agency, private security entity, or a branch of a union that directly represents any of the aforementioned employee categories.
Membership is not permitted for individuals acting as an informant or infiltrator on behalf of any government agency; choosing to operate in this capacity is grounds for membership revocation.”
What Are the Benefits of Guild Membership?
As a member of the Detroit & Michigan National Lawyers Guild (NLG) Chapter, you will receive emails from our Chapter and from the national NLG with important announcements and resources (unless you specify that you do not wish to receive emails).
A few days after you become a member, you are eligible to access the following:
Free listing in our National Referral Directory: You can submit your listing here:
Listing in the Detroit & Michigan Chapter Legal Referral Directory: Those listed must be in good membership standing and pay $25 a year. If you wish to be listed, please fill out this form.
Members-only content on (e.g., webinars, organizing tools, job board, and other resources): Go to and fill in the form to create your website account.
Be sure to use the same e-mail address you used when signing up for membership. Once you create an account, you'll be logged in and can view resources such as our Members-only webinars. If you don't see the "Members Only" tab or have trouble logging in, email for assistance. You can always login by going to, or clicking the "Login" button on the top right corner of If you forget your password, click "Lost your password?" to reset it.
Join a National Committee: National Committees are formed by Guild members who wish to organize around a specific issue. Here is the current list:
Members-only discounts: Members receive discounts on tickets to many of our events, including Detroit & Michigan chapter events and national events.
Participate in conversations on member-only email lists for NLG committees, chapters, and regions.
Vote in Guild elections, run for elected office (locally and nationally), and propose organizational resolutions.
Apply for fellowships, such the Weinglass and Haywood Burns Memorial Fellowships.
Receive discounts for our national Law for the People Convention.
Subscribe to our publications, Guild Notes and NLG Review, and submit articles to both.
Gain media exposure for your Guild-related work.
Most importantly, develop connections with a community of radical legal professionals!
Above photo by @a_s_alexander.