Alyx Pedraza
I am running for a board position with NLG MI/Detroit Chapter. Although I have only recently joined the National Lawyers Guild, I would like to involve myself as much as possible. I am currently entering my third year at Thomas M. Cooley Law School. Cooley's student chapter is currently dormant, but I would like to be in the position to bring it back to life. One way to do this is for myself to be more involved with NLG and become a model for future students.
As a first-generation hispanic woman, I want to be able to work alongside allies to keep our system accountable and safe for everyone. I have a passion for public service and advocacy because I fight for my family and I see anyone in need as family.
While in school, I am also in the Army Reserves, which is why I will not be joining everyone in the annual meeting this year. However, I will do my best to be present and offer assistance wherever and whenever I can.