NLG Eviction Resistance Network Committee

Next meeting: Tuesday, Feb 22, 2022 6pm ET (in 2022, meetings every 4th Tues of month)


Let’s work together to:

  • Pass a broad Right To Counsel Ordinance for anyone facing eviction in Detroit

  • Provide representation for people arrested doing direct action eviction resistance. Make it known widely that we will put up a fight and there will be legal assistance for people.

  • Stop illegal lock-outs (lock-outs can mean pushing tenants out by making rentals uninhabitable - no heat, dangerous mold, taking locks off doors, cutting off utilities, etc.)

  • Outreach and educate to get people knowledgable about their tenant rights, where to get help and resources, and what to do

  • Recruit more lawyers, law students, and legal workers (meet and greet; law schools clinics for 3Ls could supervise students to do needed legal work; Can the WSU Community Advocacy Clinic help our efforts?)

Sign this Petition for Detroit Right To Counsel Ordinance:

Resource flier: What Tenants Need to Know / Steps to Take if You’re Facing Eviction

Learn about the Movement Law Lab’s HOUSING JUSTICE work.