NLG Eviction Resistance Network Committee
Next meeting: Tuesday, Feb 22, 2022 6pm ET (in 2022, meetings every 4th Tues of month)
Let’s work together to:
Pass a broad Right To Counsel Ordinance for anyone facing eviction in Detroit
Provide representation for people arrested doing direct action eviction resistance. Make it known widely that we will put up a fight and there will be legal assistance for people.
Stop illegal lock-outs (lock-outs can mean pushing tenants out by making rentals uninhabitable - no heat, dangerous mold, taking locks off doors, cutting off utilities, etc.)
Outreach and educate to get people knowledgable about their tenant rights, where to get help and resources, and what to do
Recruit more lawyers, law students, and legal workers (meet and greet; law schools clinics for 3Ls could supervise students to do needed legal work; Can the WSU Community Advocacy Clinic help our efforts?)
Sign this Petition for Detroit Right To Counsel Ordinance:
Resource flier: What Tenants Need to Know / Steps to Take if You’re Facing Eviction
Learn about the Movement Law Lab’s HOUSING JUSTICE work.