In the Spirit of Mandela
INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL - OCT 22-25, 2021 …and Beyond!
Watch the International Tribunal 2021 on YouTube!
We Still Charge Genocide: 2021 International Tribunal Online Booklet
In the Spirit of Mandela Coalition organized and hosted an International Tribunal October 22-25 2021, charging the United States government, its states, and specific agencies with human and civil rights violations against Black, Brown, and Indigenous people. The U.S. was found GUILTY OF GENOCIDE AND GROSS HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS.
Click image below to read the Final Detailed Verdict released by the panel of International Jurors on May 19, 2022
All attendance was free online and in-person at the Malcolm X and Dr. Betty Shabazz Center.
The Tribunal live-streamed on and Spirit of Mandela Facebook page.
We Charge Genocide: 70th Anniversary by Timothy Farrell and Tag Harmon of Spirit of Mandela Coalition
Listen to this Nov 8, 2021 Pacifica radio show (55 min) featuring highlights from the testimony and verdict of the Tribunal.
In the Spirit of Mandela is a coalition campaigning to bring international attention to these U.S. violations of human rights and civil rights, spotlighting the inhumane and violating treatment of Political Prisoners.
The 2021 International Tribunal has a unique set of outcomes and an opportunity to organize on a mass level across many social justice arenas.
After hearing from over 30 witnesses and receiving hundreds of documents, the Panel of Jurists found the US government and its subdivisions GUILTY of Genocide and Gross Human Rights Violations. The Oct 25, 2021 Executive Summary Verdict is their preliminary report, with a detailed and cited ruling to appear in the near future.
Panel of International Jurists Render Verdict that U.S. is Guilty of Genocide Oct 27, 2021
Press Release / Announcement of Esteemed Panel Oct 6, 2021
The National Alumni Association of the Black Panther Party says:
“The Tribunal charges of racist police violence, mass incarceration, political prisoners, environmental racism, racism in public health, and genocide against Black, Brown and Indigenous people are the very same issues and conditions that the Black Panther Party fought against in the 60s and 70s. Many of the Political Prisoners in prison today for the last 50 years are Black Panthers and Black Liberation Army members. We support our comrades 100%. The 2021 International Tribunal is a people’s movement and mechanism to generate power and strength behind the demand to free all Political Prisoners and to place these issues – politically and legally - front and center on the international stage.” Read full NAABPP statement here.
Read the Oct 18, 2021 Covert Magazine article: ‘In the Spirit of Mandela’: International Tribunal Seeks to Charge U.S. Government with Crimes Against Humanity
Artwork by Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, political prisoner. [Source:]
History of Black Resistance, U.S. Political Prisoners, and Genocide: A Conversation with Jalil Muntaqim (at SUNY Brockport)
Watch this excellent interview: Free 'Em All: Interview with Sekou Odinga
We have the key legal international documents regarding the treatment of prisoners and political prisoners including the United Nations Nelson Mandela Rules, the 1979 Report of the International Commission of Jurists, the trifold containing the original proposal from Political Prisoner Jalil Muntaqim to bring back the international jurists and more.
Fulfilling Our Mission: Youth Against Genocide: Watch this powerful youth-led Webinar on Black August 18, 2021. Revolutionary panelists discuss the importance of youth carrying on the fight to Free Political Prisoners/POWs and the fight for Self-Determination and Liberation. They emphasize the importance of political education and improving the material conditions of the People.
VIDEOS: All educational webinars and additional videos can be found at the following links:
Check out any of these compelling Webinars organized in the lead up to the Tribunal:
Webinar 1: What it is. What to DO!
Webinar 2: Inter Faith Perspectives
Webinar 3: Leading Up till Tomorrow!
Webinar 4: Fulfilling our Mission: Youth Against Genocide
Webinar 5: We Charge Genocide!
Webinar 6: Post-Tribunal Outcomes
The legal aspects of the Tribunal was led by Attorney Nkechi Taifa along with a skilled team of seasoned attorneys from all the above fields. A panel of jurists with international stature in the fields of law and human rights presided over three days of testimonies. Testimonies were elicited from impacted victims, expert witnesses, and attorneys with firsthand knowledge of specific incidences raised in the charges/indictment.
The 2021 International Tribunal builds upon the shoulders and wonderful work of past Tribunals, including the 1990 “Special International Tribunal on the Violation of Human Rights of Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War in United States Prisons and Jails.”
The international community, including the United Nations, has been historically ineffective and non-responsive to the issues of oppression, racism, and exploitation of Black, Brown, and Indigenous people in the United States.
2021 marks the 70th anniversary of the campaign in which African American human rights leaders Paul Robeson and William Patterson, with the support of eminent sociologist Dr. W.E.B. DuBois, presented the “We Charge Genocide” petition to the burgeoning United Nations headquarters in 1951. Then in 1964, Minister Malcolm X (El Hajj Malik el-Shabazz) formed the Organization of Afro-American Unity, in part to bring the case of U.S. human rights abuses before the world arena.
The 2021 International Tribunal plans to go beyond basic presentation of the findings and verdict to the UN. Though these results will be presented to the UN at the close of the Tribunal, the coalition has a unique set of outcomes which provide an opportunity for organizing on a mass level across many social justice arenas.
Click below image to read an important Oct 8, 2021 Interview with recently freed longtime u.s.-held political prisoner and Tribunal organizer, Jalil Muntaqim.
This empowering statement by Jalil Muntaqim, recently released Black Panther Political Prisoner, co-founder of the National Jericho Movement, and Tribunal organizer, clarifies in a word what we the people must do. The Spirit of Mandela coalition strongly agrees with this sentiment and plans to build the Tribunal as a powerful and effective organizing tool to mobilize people from all walks of life.
A People’s Tribunal will try crimes against the people on the October 2021 International Tribunal Against the US Government Aug 25, 2021, SF Bay View National Black Newspaper
See this interview with former political prisoner and Tribunal organizer Jalil Muntaqim Oct 2, 2021, SF Bay View National Black Newspaper