Law for The People Since 1937
Uniting the legal community in the service of the people
Our mission is to use law for the people, uniting lawyers, law students, legal workers, and jailhouse lawyers to function as an effective force in the service of the people by valuing human rights and the rights of ecosystems over property interests.
Cover Photo by John Sippel @vltrr

CALL FOR ATTORNEYS to Represent Protesters!
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April 17, 2024
Panel Discussion:
Alternatives to Policing #3
Wayne State University Law School
Nov 10, 2023: NLG Fundraiser "Radiance of Resistance" film at Trinosophes in Detroit
SPEAKER: Huwaida Arraf is a Palestinian-American human rights attorney and activist, and co-founder of the Palestinian-led International Solidarity Movement. She is a member of the Detroit & Michigan NLG. Please read Huwaida's bio.
FILM: Radiance of Resistance (Unlocked Films) is an award-winning documentary about the lives and activism of two Palestinian girls, living under military occupation in Nabi Saleh, Palestine.
NLG Conversation with Jalil Muntaqim and Jihad Abdulmumit
On Friday Sept 8, 2023, the National Lawyers Guild was honored to be joined by two former political prisoners from the Black Panther Movement & organizers of the Spirit of Mandela campaign, which is bringing international attention to U.S. human rights violations of Black, Brown, Indigenous People, and U.S.-held political prisoners.
The conversation was moderated by NLG President Suzanne Adely and interim Executive Director JML Santiago.
Hear about this historic project and important discussion on how movement lawyering organizations like the NLG can support this crucial organizing.
Detroit & Michigan NLG Annual Meeting & Elections
August 5, 2023 Detroit & on Zoom FULL INFO
"Working Together to Fight Fascism"
May 17, 2023 Panel Discussion with Alia Harvey-Quinn, Nancy Parker, Tawana Petty, and Lloyd Simpson; and moderated by Julie Hurwitz.
Highlighting grassroots activism and abolitionist models that challenge the growing police and surveillance state and work to create true community safety.
Watch first Alternatives To Policing event Dec 6, 2022 on YouTube.
12/6/2022 Panel Discussion
Critical discussion with Erin Keith, Rashida Tlaib, Andrea Ritchie, and Stephanie Chang - moderated by Julie Hurwitz.
Watch full event on YouTube! https://youtu.be/90rRGyg15rE
Legal Observer Program
At the request of social justice and activist groups, Legal Observers (LOs) attend public demonstrations. We are trained to observe and document police activity and get basic information from arrested protesters.
The presence of Legal Observers, who are easily identified by their bright green hats, may serve as a deterrent to unconstitutional behavior by law enforcement during a demonstration. NLG Legal Observers are the eyes and ears of the legal team, and their presence often helps protesters feel more confident and supported.
Photo by Rashida Tlaib

“The presence of NLG Legal Observers has been an invaluable tool over the years as the fight for democratic rights and social justice continues to deepen.”
— Maureen D. Taylor
MI Welfare Rights Organization